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Residential & Commercial

PV Module Cleaning Equipment Solutions

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Semi-automated Solar Panel Cleaning Brushes and Equipment for Residential and Commercial Projects

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Solar Panel Cleaning Equipment making solar panel cleaning projects easier

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SOLAR CLEANING BRUSH AUSTRALIA have done the hard work and testing to find a lightweight versatile battery driven solar panel cleaning brush for large or small solar panel cleaning projects and introduce the Lithium 7.5 range of Solar Cleaning Brush products.

From our experience, the physical challenges and stresses of labour intensive work manually cleaning large scale solar projects limits your earning capacity with conventional solar panel cleaning equipment and the effectiveness of the finish is not always satisfactory using a conventional water fed brush.

The Lithium range of Solar Cleaning Brush products are a cost effective and efficient solution, versatile for residential and commercial use and most importantly, light and physically manageable when working at rooftop level.


See our range of Lithium  battery powered Solar Cleaning Brush products for residential, large scale commercial and industrial projects.

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